Friday, 29 April 2011

Near Death and New Life (5/23/2010)

Originally posted to Facebook on Sunday, May 23, 2010
Hey y'all, just a quick what's up with me in case someone cares. Despite the odds, I am still alive. About 2 weeks ago they figured I was headed for the morgue. I went into the vermilion hospital Saturday night, may 8 and demanded to be transfered to camrose ASAP as vermilion seems to think all my problems are in my head and self induced. Was extremely dehydrated and unable to eat/drink anythink without throwing it up 2 seconds later. I vaugly remember being in camrose and then don't remember much until the following Friday. I woke up in icu at the university hospital in edmonton and was informed that they had performed surgery Wednesday and again Friday and had removed about 2 feet of dead intestine. I also learned that I should be dead. Not yet, I have things yet to do. I had a tube sticking out of my gut. Over the next few days I recovered amazingly quickly and awaited (hopefully) a final surgery, lucky 13. I also learned that the docs at the rah who did the initial and 5 additional illiostomy surgeries f'd up royally and kept trying to cover their ass. Tuesday I had the last surgery and they created a proper ostomy. By the next day I was off the icu and on to a ward. Now, less than a week later I'm nearly ready to go home again and live for the first time in 3 years. But, for a few days anyway, I'll be on ward 3E2, room 18 at the U of A and would love some company, so if anyone's in the area feel free to drop by. Take care,
The new improved Chris Repp

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