Friday, 29 April 2011

Gimp Rant

So it's been a while since I ranted about anything, time to set that right. What now you ask?  Well, a number of things all pertaining to being a gimp.

First, let me say that the next time I hear someone say "handi-capable" I'm going to run over someones throat! Do you call black people "achromicly challanged"? What's wrong with the word "handicapped"?


[han-dee-kap] – noun

A physical or mental disability making participation in certain of the usual activities of daily living more difficult.

Well gee, it sounds like the right word to use for the given situation. Oddly enough, "Hand-capable" returned no dictionary results. Wonder why that is? Cus it's not a fucking word! And if anyone gets offended by the word "handicapped" I suggest they go out and buy a fucking dictionary, or use one of the dozends of free dictionaries online these days. I'm more offended by the word "handi-capable". It just muddies everything. What's wrong with calling a spade a spade?

And I DO NOT need someone getting offended on my behalf! The last little while I've been watching stupid videos on youtube and am sickened by some of the comments. Comments like "This is very offensive to people who are confined to wheelchairs. my uncle is a quadrapoligic and i know he would NOT find this funny. you guys are sick for thinking that a crippled person falling down is humorous" Well guess what bitch, it is funny. Why don't you ask your uncle if he finds it funny instead of assuming his brain stopped working when his legs did. 90% of the time it's us gimps who can relate to stuff like this that find it the funniest. And would it be funny if the guy wasn't in a wheelchair? If you laugh at anyone else, but then won't laugh because "oh, the poor cripple" isn't that just like saying "gimps aren't normal people, it's not ok to laugh"? And what's this "confined" shit? I'm not in prison! I could scoot around on my ass if I really wanted, but the chair is a lot easier and faster. I USE a wheelchair, I am NOT a wheelchair, or confined, or stuck, trapped, or condemed to a wheelchair.
I don't mind someone asking if I need help, ONCE. If I say no, than the answer is no, piss off. Don't keep insisting. If I needed help, I'd ask. Although that's better than the people who just grab on to the chair without asking. Try it and you'll find out that just cus my legs don't work doesn't mean my arms don't, so if you want a smack keep it up. And for god sake an elevator doesn't mean "straddle the crippled guys legs". Not too long ago on an elevator I had some . . . lady yapping on a cell phone (one of those idiots that has to talk loud enough that everyone in a 5 mile radius can hear . . . must be long distance) get on the elevator, put one leg on either side of my frount castors and back her large ass into my face. So I turned 90 degrees and ran into her legs. she bloody near fell on me. For christ sakes, where's the brain?
Anyway, that's all I have to say about that. Gimpin' ain't easy!

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